Lucie’s Tumor Removal Scar

Hi everyone!
I'm so happy to share to share my story with you
My name is Lucie, I'm 30 (since few weeks) and I'm French 🇨🇵.
At the age of 11 I had appendicitis (we can barely see the scar). Then, I needed another surgery : I had a carcinoid tumor.
They removed a part of my right colon. I spent few weeks at the hospital among one in intensive care. I have memories, sometimes only details or feelings, but I remember it.
The appendicitis surgery happened the day before going to ski for the first time. Of course I couldn't go, I was so sad. But 3 years ago I eventually learnt to ski! It was so important to me.
The operation of the tumor was on the 5th of February 2002. And this year, in 2020 I went to London on the 2nd of February for the photo shoot with Sophie Mayanne, @sophiemayanne. Nearly 18 years after I was there. I was so proud as I don't show my scars very much neither talk about them. But I wanted to do it, for me, to eventually accept them.
-Lucie Lec'hvien (@lucie_lech)